Antiquity Collection

Cataloging & Documentation

The Collection was received uncataloged. To systematically document and catalog the Collection, the Indian Institute of Research in Numismatics, Nashik, successfully carried out detailed documentation in respect of the coins at the Institute in Nashik. The other antiquities have been documented by object experts.


The curating of the Collection is being carried out by a leading archival services firm.

  • We are utilizing state of the art Collection Management software to securely store the documented details of the collection and afford ease of documentation, viewing to researchers, and selective public web access through a virtual museum.
  • Data center with high end servers has been established to host the software and collection data.


  • We envisage state of the art display fixtures, other modern interactive methods: touchscreen with individual items genealogy; audio (oral history); documents (letters, papers, records etc.); newsreel/movie/documentary; website; display of other arts and artefacts of the Collection.
  • A library and archive for research and reference, for scholars, studentsestablished to host the software and collection data.


As a continuation of the Hinduja Foundation's longstanding commitment and endeavours across the globe in the promotion of arts and culture and particularly the advancement of knowledge in the cultural ethos of India, to:

  1. Display the Hinduja Foundation Antiquity Collections in public places and through the website for the benefit of the public.
  2. Partner with Universities and other bodies for research into numismatics, heritage and culture of India.
  3. Create catalogues and other publications to spread knowledge of this antiquity.
  4. Run programmes and events on antiquity, culture and history of India.
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